The Smart Solar-Powered LunchBox

SunnySide keeps your meal preserved in the ideal temperature and heats your meal in minutes.

You Deserve A Proper Hot Meal
Who doesn’t love lunchtime? You work hard and deserve a warm homecooked meal. So why would you nuke your favorite lunch in the microwave and destroy its flavor and nutrition? Microwaved food not only comes out bland but is unevenly heated.


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  Keep it Cool

  It’s not just about the heat! Enjoy a tub of ice-cream on the go, or 
  keep any salad fresh and crispy for longer, with SunnySide’s 
  cooling element, 3 fans, and thick layer of insulation





We will launch our InDemand campaign on Indiegogo soon. Please leave your email so that we can contact you as we go live.

 The Smarter SunnySide App
    Control the internal temperature of your Sunnyside with the              Sunnyside App. It also lets you track your calories, recommends        you recipes, and alerts you if you are running low on power.

Take sunnySide

  • Dimensions – 230 x 117 x 86mm
  • Weight – 680g (1.4 lb)
  • Volume – 1100ml
  • Power Bank Capacity – 10.000 mAh